Procedural Generation

Hey, so I'm a lazy piece of garbage. How could I best generate a series of glyphs for my diary, but exclude all rotations and reflections?

  • Would it not be better to draw them out by hand or by mouse?
    There are only 26 letters in the alphabet...

  • If you want them to all look a little different, perhaps you could then apply a random filter (stretch, shear, etc.) to each letter every time it is used.

  • I am making a logography because I like the look. Alphabets are boring.

  • >>7
    They are nice. In that case, I don't think rotations and reflections are the main problem. You'd first find a set of general rules to make them look cohesive and not just a bunch of shapes put together, then program the rules...
    Check out:
    You probably don't want something as complex as Chinese radicals though, I assume.
    I wonder if he could have accomplished the same thing with procedural generation, or if it's really something you need a human eye for (at least right now).

  • >>8
    I am a big fan of A Book from the Sky and asemic calligraphy in general. But, since, I am not a programmer, I am asking for how to go about making some glyphs. Which language should I use? Can I specify that all valid glyphs be proportional to a "master" glyph? (If so, how? If not, then what's the next best method?)

  • >>9
    >I am asking for how to go about making some glyphs
    I am not sure if you already know the rules that you will use to generate those glyphs, like how A Book from the Sky uses the rules of Chinese radicals. If you already know the rules then all you have to do is program the rules, which may be arbitrarily hard but it already gives you a place to start.
    For example if you want your glyphs to consist of triangles and squares in assorted positions, you could program that easily. It would not result in very pretty glyphs, though.
    I am not sure how you could accomplish this without having some rules in the first place for how the glyphs should be generated unless you want to just throw pixels at the screen until it looks nice, which you could accomplish with machine learning / neural nets I guess. But this will be hard if you don't have any programming background.
    >Which language should I use?
    Python most likely.
    >Can I specify that all valid glyphs be proportional to a "master" glyph?
    Not quite sure what you mean by proportional...

    Maybe someplace that would be simple enough to start is coming up with new Latin alphabet letters. We just need some rules to describe them. I can think of some:
    - Basic shapes used: Lines, curves, circles.
    - Shapes can connect to other shapes typically at the midpoint or ends.
    - Shapes can intersect other shapes at arbitrary angles, typically around 45 degrees.
    - All letters start at the top.
    - Don't use more than 4 shapes.
    Then randomly do these things and see what you get. I am sure this doesn't even cover all existing letters (how would you have generated "S"? two curves?) but it would be how I would start.

  • I didn't think I would see A Book from the Sky mentioned here. This thread also reminds me there's a service where you can send in your handwriting and get a custom font made from it.


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