Do not go outside

Do not touch the child
Close all windows and doors and lock them quick
Do not touch the child
Do not touch the child
Do not look at the child
Do not listen to the child
Do not talk to the child
Do not touch the child
Do not acknowledge the child
Do not go near the child
Do not let the child touch you
Go into a room with no windows and a door you may lock (such as a bathroom) and lock the doors if you have seen or heard the child, and cover your ears and close your eyes.
If you have touched the child, and have a bladed weapon, such as a knife, promptly bring the blade to your kneck and slice it open.
If you have a firearm and have touched the child, bring the end of the barrel to your lower jaw, pointing in the direction of your skull, and pull the trigger. Do not try and attack the child.
If you have looked at or listened to the child for longer than 5 minutes, Do the same.
If you were in the same room as the child for 300 seconds or longer, then pray to your god.
Do not let the child in.
If you have seen the child outside, have not locked yourself away in a room, and hear knocking on your door, your god can no longer save you. Do not even try and run. To make it all go quickly, open your door.
If you see someone open their door, curl up in the fetal position, close your eyes, and wait until the screams are finished.
If you hear knocking on your door, but have not seen the child, there is still hope, please do as aforementioned and lock yourself in a room with no windows.
If your children are outside at this time, do not bring them back in. They are not your children anymore.
Do not worry about pets of any sort. They only die if you die, their safety relies on yours. However, if wanted, do bring your animals to a safe area.
If you are outside at this time, rest in peace.
Do not touch the child

  • And they were bringing children to him that he might touch them, and the disciples rebuked them. But when Jesus saw it, he was indignant and said to them, “Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” And he took them in his arms and blessed them, laying his hands on them.

  • >>1447
    God fears the child.

  • And you should too

  • I will forever fear the child.


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